When you join us for a retreat day, we usually begin with some opening worship which introduces our theme and helps to create a quiet and prayerful atmosphere.
There is then a period of time for you to use as you wish. The garden and Silchester Commmon provide local opportunities to enjoy God's creation. We can provide details if you wish to go on a longer walk too. Within the building we offer a variety of ways to focus and reflect. You might find it helpful to browse in our reading corner or to meditate using pictures in the lounge. In the hall, we offer different ways into creative prayer. You may be invited to write, colour, use collage or photography or soft coloured clay. We have a portable floor labyrinth (along with a collection of finger labyrinths) which we use occasionally.
We encourage each other to be quiet in the morning and then to share conversation over lunch. Following another period of quiet exploration after lunch, we close with worship and an opportunity to share if you so wish.
If you would like to read about past retreats, there are some articles written by people who have joined us here.